ICMSN 2022

2022 6th International Conference on Materials Sciences and Nanomaterials (ICMSN 2022) was successfully held in London & Online during July 12-14, 2022.

Conference Proceedings

ICMSN 2022 papers have been published in Materials Science Forum (Vol. 1075) . 【ISBN: 978-3-0357-1843-0】
ICMSN 2022 papers have been indexed successfully by Scopus! (Click)

Book Cover

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ICMSN 2022 Group Photo (Onsite)

ICMSN 2022 Group Photo (Onsite)

ICMSN 2022 Group Photo (Online)

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Alexander M. Korsunsky, Trinity College, University of Oxford, UK

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Yuyuan Zhao, University of Liverpool, UK

Invited Speaker: Prof. Didier Fasquelle, University of Littoral Côte d’Opale (ULCO), France

Invited Speaker: Assoc. Prof. Salvatore Brischetto, Politecnico di Torino, Italy

Best Presentations Winners are as below:

ID: SM22-1048
Speech Title: Investigation of Fracture Mechanisms of Self-Reinforced Polypropylene/Polycarbonate Composites Subjected to Fatigue Loading
Authors: Andrzej Katunin, Marcin Bilewicz, Dominik Wachla, Jafar Amraei and Júlio César Machado Viana
Presenter: Andrzej Katunin, Silesian University of Technology, Poland
ID: SM22-1038-A
Speech Title: First Surface Gold Based Low-e coatings
Authors: Wan Noor Sofia Wan Shamsuddin, Kamil Zuber, Peter J Murphy and Marta Llusca Jane
Presenter: Wan Noor Sofia Wan Shamsuddin, University of South Australia, Australia

ID: SM22-1040-A
Speech Title: Microstructure Patterns on Thin Metallic Coatings Enhancing Wireless Signal Transmission
Authors: Luqman Nulhakim Yunos, Peter Murphy, Kamil Zuber and Marta Llusca Jane
Presenter: Luqman Nulhakim Yunos, University of South Australia, Australia
ID: SM22-409
Speech Title: Pure Solvent-based In-situ Microstructural Regulation for Advanced Fiber Materials
Authors: Junxian Huang and Bingang Xu
Presenter: Junxian Huang, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China

ID: AN22-208-A
Speech Title: Circularly polarized UV detectors based on a chiral cellulose nanocrystal/metal-oxide semiconductor
Authors: Sixiang Zhao, Boyu Zhang, Yingying Yu, Ming Li, Liancheng Zhao, Liming Gao
Presenter: Sixiang Zhao, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China


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